My network is down and we can’t work, what do we do?
Many businesses have shared in that frustration of the network dropping out because their Internet Service Provider (ISP) is down and they don’t know how to continue or perpetuate their business that has grown so dependent on technology and the internet.
CamTech is a Sonicwall Partner and their Gen7 Firewalls (TZ Series) has a built-in solution to help provide fail-safes for those times your primary network is down. Built into each Gen 7 TZ Firewall exists the capability to attach a cellular modem to it. So if your Internet Service Provider is down, the Sonicwall Firewall will use the service from a cellular modem to keep you online and allow for the mission-critical business to persist. This “cellular failover” solution is often a highly needed tool for businesses that operate 24/7 as well as those that have real-time internet needs.
Additionally, with cellular carriers increasing their capabilities from 3G to 4G and above, this failover option might be a saving grace for local businesses. So, next time you find yourself frustrated and saying my your network is down and we can’t work, call the pros at CamTech!
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