Every IT admin in organizations across the world is evolving to find and uncover new ways to safeguard against phishing attacks and email security breaches. Phishing is one of the most common, most effective, and most damaging types of attacks that hackers can utilize to...
Many times when businesses move to new locations they contact their Internet Service Provider (ISP) about getting WiFi in the office, but how do you ensure you have coverage throughout the locations you need it? Often you’ll look for a hardware device called a Wireless...
Previously we discussed the need for creating difficult and strong passwords, as well as the need to differentiate passwords for different accounts, but how does someone do that? Many cybersecurity experts suggest using a password manager, which is a software utility that securely stores passwords...
You need to create a password for just about every website you access these days, from checking your email, your social networking, to buying a product online. While it can be easy to use a short, concise password it also will likely leave to some...
There is an amazing amount of cyberattacks that are happening and it only seems to be increasing in 2021. If a cybercriminal accesses your credentials, they could seize your company files, health records, or financial accounts. For this reason, we are strongly urging our clients...